Tuesday, September 29, 2009

How Quickly She Changes

It is amazing how quickly she has changed. From a little newborn who did nothing more than eat, sleep, and poop (and of course cry!) to this little girl who is developing such a personality. She is amazed at everything. It seems like the smallest thing will make her break out into a huge smile...which of course is a welcome change from 6 weeks ago. She also knows a lot of new "tricks". She can obviously now smile, but she can also roll over, babble like crazy and laugh! The addition of her laugh to our family has been amazing. Even as I write this, thinking back on moments when she has started to crack up, it is impossible not to smile. She still doesn't do it often, but when she does you cannot help but start laughing yourself.

It has been so exciting to watch her learn and change. I know she will only continue to change so I am trying to take in every moment. I say it all the time, but I cannot believe how fast it is going. Today Mckinley is 3 months old! 3 months! It doesn't seem possible that she could be that old (and yes, I am well aware that 3 months really isn't that old). Lucky for her and I though I have recently come to the decision to have a huge career change. This means that I will get to be home with Mckinley as I go back to school (online) to obtain my Masters in Elementary Education. Huge change I know, but definitely the right decision for not only me individually but our family as well.

As always here are a few pictures showing what we've been up to lately...

Her first big girl stroller ride (of course this brought on the laughter)

Our first camping/cabin trip...

Happy 3 month birthday Kinley!! :)