Mckinley started soccer practice this past weekend and, to I'm sure many of your surprise, it was really fun. I cannot truly call it a team, as they are only 2-3 years old, do not play games, and really I'm not sure if they are even aware of each other. It is SUPER cute though! She practices for 30 minutes, once a week, for about eight weeks, with 18 other kiddos. At this age it is mommy/daddy and me soccer, which means that one parent is with them at all times. It was really funny to watch the one parent try and keep their kid on task and the other is snapping away pictures (yes, I was one of the snapping away parents!). The first practice was a little hectic to watch, but I actually think it was going just they way the coach planned. Controlled-chaos, right?
So the best part of the practice is that the last thing they do is let every kid kick a goal. They call their names, then the kiddo dribbles to the net, and shoots for a goal. High-fives all around and a chorus of "GOAL" from all the kids! :) Kevin thought there was no way that Mckinley would participate in this part--she is a tad shy when she first meets people (or 18 other kids and their parents + coaches!), but when her name was called up she went...dribble...dribble....goal! She was ready for the high-five from her coach too!
I am really excited for this weekend's practice and so is Mckinley. The second we were in the car on the way home Mckinley said, "play soccer ball tomorrow?". She hasn't quite nailed down that it is just called soccer. She thinks she must refer to the game at all times as "soccer ball" (sort of like baseball or football I think).
Team meeting....
Daddy instruction...
Finding her way around the field...
Time to get her ball...
Dribble and carry a shirt to a flag....
Still dribbling...
New colors...
Time for the fun to begin...
After practice stamps...
So proud!...
So, wish us luck for this weekend's practice. I see another goal in her future!
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Morning at the Fair
My posts lately have been fewer and far between. Something I hate, but is also unfortunately just the reality of me being back at work. I hope to still get at least one post a week (hopefully more), but we will just have to wait and see how it goes. For now though, here is a post on our trip to the Puyallup Fair.
Last weekend we headed down to the Fair as soon as the kids were up and ready. We met my mom and got into the Fair just as it was opening. At first the early arrival seemed a little ill planned as nothing was really open and it was raining, but things quickly perked up. The rain stopped and Mckinley got to take full advantage of some of the kid stuff before the crowds rolled in. While waiting for the rain to let up a little, we first checked out the 4-H horses. Mckinley thought they were so cool--she was also a little afraid of them though. :) She warmed up quickly while being held by daddy a safe distance away. Then as soon as the petting zoo opened we raced over there and Mckinley had the entire thing to herself!! Again, she was a tad scared of the strangers holding the little animals, but we at least got her to touch them with her finger! She is so timid in front of strangers, which I guess is a good thing.

After the petting zoo we headed over to the pony rides. Again, Mckinley was the only one there and she got to ride until she asked to be done! It was awesome! At first I wasn't really sure she liked it, but after a couple trips round the circle she was having a blast. (Keep in mind this was right after we attempted to have her go on this strange trampoline "ride" where she freaked out! So I think she was a little apprehensive of what mom and dad were getting her into with these ponies.).
As soon as we finished our extremely long pony ride, my brother and his family showed up. Since her big cousin Owen was there, and very experienced in rides, it was time for the fun to begin! The kids went on a ton of rides (thanks Grandma!) and had an AMAZING time! Mckinley loved them all, but the dragon roller coaster was by far her favorite. I do not think I have laughed so hard in a long time. She had a wide mouthed smile the entire time and was clearly enjoying herself. It was so fun to watch!
And then the roller coaster!!!
We all had such a good time. The Fair is something I did every year growing up (multiple times) as I lived only a few blocks down the road. It is so weird to now be taking my kids there to make their own memories, but it is also really fun.
Here are a couple other pics from the day:
After a long morning of animals, rides, a slingshot (Kevin and Iwasted spent our hard earned money on this), burgers, funnel cake, and cotton candy we headed home, and to Mckinley's surprise our car was not another ride. :( She is very excited to go again to say the least.
Last weekend we headed down to the Fair as soon as the kids were up and ready. We met my mom and got into the Fair just as it was opening. At first the early arrival seemed a little ill planned as nothing was really open and it was raining, but things quickly perked up. The rain stopped and Mckinley got to take full advantage of some of the kid stuff before the crowds rolled in. While waiting for the rain to let up a little, we first checked out the 4-H horses. Mckinley thought they were so cool--she was also a little afraid of them though. :) She warmed up quickly while being held by daddy a safe distance away. Then as soon as the petting zoo opened we raced over there and Mckinley had the entire thing to herself!! Again, she was a tad scared of the strangers holding the little animals, but we at least got her to touch them with her finger! She is so timid in front of strangers, which I guess is a good thing.
After the petting zoo we headed over to the pony rides. Again, Mckinley was the only one there and she got to ride until she asked to be done! It was awesome! At first I wasn't really sure she liked it, but after a couple trips round the circle she was having a blast. (Keep in mind this was right after we attempted to have her go on this strange trampoline "ride" where she freaked out! So I think she was a little apprehensive of what mom and dad were getting her into with these ponies.).
As soon as we finished our extremely long pony ride, my brother and his family showed up. Since her big cousin Owen was there, and very experienced in rides, it was time for the fun to begin! The kids went on a ton of rides (thanks Grandma!) and had an AMAZING time! Mckinley loved them all, but the dragon roller coaster was by far her favorite. I do not think I have laughed so hard in a long time. She had a wide mouthed smile the entire time and was clearly enjoying herself. It was so fun to watch!
Her first ride...still not so sure what was happening.
Carousel ride--we've done this before and she knows it is fun!
First ride that actual got her excited!
And then the roller coaster!!!
Lastly the swings--she also really liked this, but Owen got the thing shut down by sliding forward in his seat! Ooops!
We all had such a good time. The Fair is something I did every year growing up (multiple times) as I lived only a few blocks down the road. It is so weird to now be taking my kids there to make their own memories, but it is also really fun.
Here are a couple other pics from the day:
After a long morning of animals, rides, a slingshot (Kevin and I
Sunday, September 18, 2011
6 Months...Half Way to a Year
Today Kyan is 6 months old. Half way to one year. It is an almost impossible fact to believe. How fast this time has gone. As I always say though, I truly have enjoyed every single moment. He is such an amazing baby. Happy and full of joy are two very easy ways to describe him. He has gone through a major change this month with me returning to work and has taken it so well (mom has not though!). Right now seems like such a huge period of change for him. Every day feels like he is older. By all means he is still a baby, but each day he seems to gain new skills which somehow make him seem older. I can't stand it. At the same time, I do love watching him learn and grow. I just wish sometimes I could freeze time so that I could sit back, take a breath, and enjoy the period he is in at this moment. Rather than fly through it, with a whirl of craziness surrounding us! Unfortunately I cannot do that...good thing we have this blog to document it then! :)
Here is what Kyan is up to at 6 months:
* You love life! Happiness, smiles, loves, and joy encompass your every day!
* You are a great sleeper. You still sleep 11 hrs at night, take 2-2hr naps, and 1-1hr nap.
* You have grown a passion for baby food, although I find it really difficult to get you to eat any green veggies! We'll keep trying! You get REALLY excited when you see food coming. :)
* Your acid reflux has continued to not improve, and we have had to put you on some medicine. More on how it is going next month.
* You are starting to sit up unsupported pretty well...still a little wobbly though. :)
* You still roll over both ways, but typically you will only go both ways while in bed. It is really weird because you absolutely can go both ways, but unless you are in bed, you roll to your belly and then stay there. Today though you starting rolling both ways like crazy while playing on the floor, so maybe that will change.
* Toys have become so much more fun to you lately. You play all the time. You especially love your two activity centers.
* Mckinley continues to be one of your absolute FAVORITE people. Your relationship is so sweet.
* You went swimming in a pool for the first time this month---you seemed to like it, but were pretty calm about it. I'm sure you will end up being a fish like your sis though.
*Updated from doctor appointment: you weigh 18 lbs 12.5 oz and you are 27.5 inches long! (80% in both)
* You are just an absolute joy in our lives. You love to cuddle, laugh, and play and I cherish every single moment I have with you. I love you to pieces!
It actually kind of looks like he was modeling for me in the last few, but he was just rolling around on his chair! :) Such a ham!
Here is what Kyan is up to at 6 months:
* You love life! Happiness, smiles, loves, and joy encompass your every day!
* You are a great sleeper. You still sleep 11 hrs at night, take 2-2hr naps, and 1-1hr nap.
* You have grown a passion for baby food, although I find it really difficult to get you to eat any green veggies! We'll keep trying! You get REALLY excited when you see food coming. :)
* Your acid reflux has continued to not improve, and we have had to put you on some medicine. More on how it is going next month.
* You are starting to sit up unsupported pretty well...still a little wobbly though. :)
* You still roll over both ways, but typically you will only go both ways while in bed. It is really weird because you absolutely can go both ways, but unless you are in bed, you roll to your belly and then stay there. Today though you starting rolling both ways like crazy while playing on the floor, so maybe that will change.
* Toys have become so much more fun to you lately. You play all the time. You especially love your two activity centers.
* Mckinley continues to be one of your absolute FAVORITE people. Your relationship is so sweet.
* You went swimming in a pool for the first time this month---you seemed to like it, but were pretty calm about it. I'm sure you will end up being a fish like your sis though.
*Updated from doctor appointment: you weigh 18 lbs 12.5 oz and you are 27.5 inches long! (80% in both)
* You are just an absolute joy in our lives. You love to cuddle, laugh, and play and I cherish every single moment I have with you. I love you to pieces!
It actually kind of looks like he was modeling for me in the last few, but he was just rolling around on his chair! :) Such a ham!
Monday, September 12, 2011
Friday, September 9, 2011
Beatin' the Heat
Lately we have been trying to get out and enjoy the sunshine that has hit us late this summer. In order to fully enjoy the heat (which I am not a huge fan of to be honest), it is necessary to be near water. So over the past two beautiful weekends we have been to a couple different lakes a few times and the pool. Mckinley has always loved the water and Kyan seems like he will fall in her footsteps.
Last weekend we went to the pool and Lake Wilderness in Maple Valley. We returned to Lake Wilderness this weekend as well, and we also went to Juanita Beach on Lake Washington. Each time we packed up a picnic and all the necessities that the kiddos require (which is an insane amount of "stuff"!). Lucky for us Kyan is such an easy baby and will just fall asleep on his blanket in our shade tent. This makes a day at the beach/lake so easy. Mckinley never would have done that. She has always required her bed to sleep in.
Anyways....Mckinley loved "swimming" in the lake at Lake Wilderness, but apparently at Juanita beach there is a lot of grass in the water and Mckinley HATED that. She wanted nothing to do with swimming there, but she did have fun playing with her cousins in the sand and running around the park. At the pool last weekend, Mckinley of course had a blast and Kyan did really well too. He didn't have a huge smile or anything, but he seemed content--which is better then when Mckinley first tried a pool.
It has been such a fun last two weekends and a great way to end my stent staying at home. This week I return to work after being home for over two years. It doesn't seem like it has been that long--time seems to have just flown by. I honestly can remember when I started maternity leave with Mckinley like it was just last week. Now I have two amazing little babes. Now I just have to figure out how to be a working mom....stay tuned for how that goes (or read here, since somehow these last two posts got mixed up)!
Here some pics from our past two weekends!
Sorry, I completely forgot to even take out my camera at Juanita Beach so no pics there! Oops!
Last weekend we went to the pool and Lake Wilderness in Maple Valley. We returned to Lake Wilderness this weekend as well, and we also went to Juanita Beach on Lake Washington. Each time we packed up a picnic and all the necessities that the kiddos require (which is an insane amount of "stuff"!). Lucky for us Kyan is such an easy baby and will just fall asleep on his blanket in our shade tent. This makes a day at the beach/lake so easy. Mckinley never would have done that. She has always required her bed to sleep in.
Anyways....Mckinley loved "swimming" in the lake at Lake Wilderness, but apparently at Juanita beach there is a lot of grass in the water and Mckinley HATED that. She wanted nothing to do with swimming there, but she did have fun playing with her cousins in the sand and running around the park. At the pool last weekend, Mckinley of course had a blast and Kyan did really well too. He didn't have a huge smile or anything, but he seemed content--which is better then when Mckinley first tried a pool.
It has been such a fun last two weekends and a great way to end my stent staying at home. This week I return to work after being home for over two years. It doesn't seem like it has been that long--time seems to have just flown by. I honestly can remember when I started maternity leave with Mckinley like it was just last week. Now I have two amazing little babes. Now I just have to figure out how to be a working mom....stay tuned for how that goes (or read here, since somehow these last two posts got mixed up)!
Here some pics from our past two weekends!
Sorry, I completely forgot to even take out my camera at Juanita Beach so no pics there! Oops!
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