Thursday, January 26, 2012

Double Digits - 10 Month Kyan!

Last week Kyan turned 10 months old. We have entered double digits! When I think back on this time of Mckinley's life she seemed so much older to me. Time seemed to fly by with her, but it still felt like 10 months when I really reflected on it. With Kyan, I look back at the past 10 months and think where did those months go? I feel like it was just last month that he was a tiny baby. Now he is ALL over the place. I cannot get this kid to sit still! It must be that for four months of Ky's life I was working (boo!) and with Mckinley she had my undivided attention every day. I do at least still feel like I have got to enjoy my time with Kyan to the fullest. He is such an awesome baby. Full of life and happiness. He thinks everything is great (except being hungry) and is happy to be with whoever wants to be with him! 

It is hard to believe that we are sneaking up on a year. I'm starting to think about his birthday and that it is just around the corner. I remember so clearly this time with Mckinley and being nervous (but still happy) about what was to come. How would I handle toddler years? I now know they are hard, really hard! But I have many, many, MANY loves about these toddler years as well. I am sad that Ky is getting older, but also extremely excited for what is to come. Seeing how Mckinley's personality has just exploded makes me eager to see what Kyan's will be like as a speaking, communicating little person! 

I have an unfortunate habit right now of being behind on these posts. Life is just so busy. I do not really see that changing all that much though, so I should probably just get used to finding time to blog. 

Things that are happening with Kyan at 10 months:

* Crawling and cruising all over. You still do not stand on your own though, so I do not see walking anytime soon in your future.

* Still an awesome eater. Although, you get extremely upset if food is not presented to you quickly enough. 

* You now say da-da and ba-ba, but still no ma-ma!

* You climb on and over everything, and you are constantly busy! 

* You will not sit still to listen to a book. Hopefully this will change soon.

* Sleep is still great, but you will not pick a set time to wake up. Sometimes it is 7:15 and other times it is 8:30. You range from sleeping anywhere from 11-12.5 hours a night. Also, still two 2-2.5 hour naps a day. 

* We went to the doctor this week and you weigh 24 lbs 7 oz. (87%) and are 31 inches (96%). Big in both respects, but he said for height to weight you are only 75th percentile. Nice and healthy.

* You have four teeth and are working on your fifth and sixth-I can just start to see them coming in. 

* As usual, Mckinley is your favorite thing ever! She beats you up a lot, but then will love on you a lot too. :)

* You celebrated your first Christmas this past month. You had tons of fun with all the new stuff, but really you didn't know much about what was going on. You LOVED the crepes we had for breakfast though!

Not a whole lot happened this month, it was just another fun month watching you grow and learn. Each day you seem so much older. I cannot believe that pretty soon you will be walking around and starting to talk! Funny how that all the sudden just happens....for now you are still my baby though! :)


Picture time! Getting a picture of Kyan is nearly impossible these days, and this little photo shoot was no exception! He was a nightmare to take photos of...these are these best of the bunch!






          This is about how much he enjoyed getting his picture taken.


Two more pictures to show just all the fun Kyan likes to get into these days!



Thursday, January 12, 2012

Mckinley Lately

It seems to me that all of the sudden Mckinley is a big girl. Earlier this week she went to the dentist for the first time (which surprisingly she did amazing at!) and after her appointment her and I went to lunch. I was telling Kevin about our lunch experience and how I was so in love with getting to have lunch with just me and my girl. For the first time ever I didn't have to help her with every little detail, I could leave her at the table to get our drinks or throw away something (always still in mama's view though!) and she was responsible enough to sit there patiently. It was a strange feeling to go to lunch with my daughter and her act so grown up. It was really fun though!

Lately she does all these wonderful things, and I want to make sure that I take down as much as I can from this point in her life. She just turned 2.5 and she shows us each day what a wonderful, smart little girl she is. She also is extremely silly! Hmmm, I wonder where she got that trait? 

Some things about Miss Mckinley:

- She is a GREAT talker. I have been able to have full on conversations with her for at least 6 months. She understands things that I never would think she could grasp. The types of things that come out of her mouth both shock and make me crack up every day!

- She has an amazing memory--she will remind us of things (weird, small details, days or weeks after they happen) that you would never even think she noticed.

- She loves to play (especially with her cousins!). She runs hard and has a special fondness for the game of chase! :) 

- She knows all her basic shapes and is learning some harder ones too. 

- She can sing her ABC's and does so about 20 times a day! She can identify most of her letters, knows all colors, and can count to 13. 

- She has taken a new love to singing..some favorites include the ABC's, Twinkle Twinkle, and The Camping Bag song (her own creation!). 

- She is really good at the game of concentration! She plays it constantly too. 

- Any type of art project is high on her list of to-dos. She also loves puzzles, drawing, her kindle, of course books, and anything that Kyan might be playing with. :)

- Her and Kyan have a special relationship. He loves her no matter what she does, she loves him half the time. The other half she is pushing him over to ensure he stays away from her (or just to push him over!). She does do a lot of sweet things for Kyan as well. She is especially sweet if he is upset. 

- She has become a very picky eater. She would live on pretzels with mustard for dipping if we let her. 

- Her favorite saying when she doesn't want to do something is "how 'bout not". 

- I thought we had left the constant stream of tantrums behind us, but they have returned with a vengeance. The most tantrum inducing behaviors include: any request by mom/dad/any one really, brushing our teeth, going to the bathroom before bed, Kyan in general, meal time, play time, nap time....really all aspects of our life. :)

- She talks often about how she is going to go to "pretty school" AKA preschool. She is excited now, but we will see how she acts when this fall comes and she actually has to go. 

- She requests almost daily to go to "daddy's downtown". 

- Daddy is her world! He can do no wrong, unless he is asking her to do something she of course does not want to do. 

- Going on walks with Max is one of her favorite things to do. 

- She insists on sitting on your lap at the end of dinner. 

- Looking through pictures (especially those of baby Kinley) is a love of hers. 

- She hates to sleep in a bed with mom and dad!! What kid doesn't want to snuggle with their mom and dad? Our kid! If we try to get her to sleep in our bed, she crys and asks to go back to Mckinley's bed. :( I can't even bribe her. 

- She wants to celebrate someone's birthday almost daily. 

- She is crazy, full of personality at home, but shy around new people. 

- This girl loves to spin in circles!

- If you ask her to smile, she opens her mouth as wide as she can! Haha! 

I am sure I could go on and on about this little love, but I will stop for now. Even with all the tantrums and shoving of her brother, I adore this kid to pieces. She brightens even the hardest of days, and I am so incredibly lucky to be her mama. :)