Thursday, November 1, 2012

First Day of School

The day finally came. On September 4th Mckinley, Kyan, and I all had our first days of school. Mckinley to preschool (ahh!), Kyan to daycare (ahh! ahhh!), and me to work (3rd grade!). It was such a scary day in general. I was SO nervous to put my kids into childcare and I was probably just as scared to start my first year as a teacher. I had no idea what to expect or how it would go.

The morning was CRAZY. In spite of the fact that I had prepped lunches, gotten outfits together, blankets ready, diapers and wipes for Kyan and lessons prepared for myself, the morning was hectic to say the least. Kevin and I both took the kids to each of their respective schools to see them off for their first day. Then I went to start my day and worry all day about how they were doing.

Mckinley had been so excited about school and when the day finally came she did great! We had talked and talked about preschool, so it was pretty built up to her. She was excited about her new lunch box, excited about new friends, and excited to learn. That morning I thought she might be a little sad, but she wasn't even that. It was so awesome!

Kyan on the other hand was a different story. He was a screaming mess. He did not want us to go and had to be clawed away from me. It was awful. I knew it would get better as the day went on but that didn't change how hard it was to say good-bye.

My first day went great, so that was one less thing concerning me. I have a great group of kids and I really like the people I work with. Two pluses there! I was still so anxious to see the kids however. The funnies/worst part of the day however was probably when I went to pick up Mckinley. I was SOOOO excited to get to her and see how her day had gone. The second I walked onto her playground at school to pick her up I noticed her dumping a shovel full of sand onto a little girls head. Our reunion was a little tainted by that moment...even more so when I was signing her out and I hear a little voice behind me say, "mommy, her name is Mckinley and she put sand in my boots!!". What??!?! I whipped my head around to immediately apologize for my daughter's actions!! I was so embarrassed! Needless to say our conversations that night were focused on the sandbox and where to put, and not put, sand!

Kyan and my reunion went much more as I had planned it in my head! :) As soon as he saw me, he ran opened arms into my arms! It was pure sweetness! Each pick-up has been the same since then too! He runs full speed with his arms outstretched. It is so fun to pick him up that way!

Since the start of daycare we have definitely had our ups and downs. What I thought would have been difficult has been flip-flopped. Kyan had done amazing. The first couple weeks it was hard for him in the morning, but he calmed down by the time I was out in the hall (listening intently for him to stop crying!). He has loved his teacher and is extremely happy when I come to get him--still arms streched out, running for me though. Mckinley on the other had has had a very rough transition. Some mornings have been almost too much for me to take. She pleads for me to not leave her! I truly think it has been made worse because she was sick for the first two weeks of school and she gets WAY less sleep going to school than she did when she was home. She is tired. Period. This makes for a very cranky girl in the morning and at night. This past week she did a lot better. Some morning she was even ok. I think we have turned the corner, but man was it hard! I was so nervous for her each day.

Overall, the start of school and daycare was as to be expected. We have had good days and bad days. However, as I write this now it has been almost two months since we started school (I am a little behind in blogworld), and the kids are doing fantastic! They both love their respective schools/teachers/classes. It is so nice to drop them off and know they will do fine.

To wrap up this post that has been dragging for months, here are the few pictures we were able to capture from the morning of the first day!


Yes this is literally the "best" picture I could get of the two of them! :)