Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A Brand New Adventure

On June 29th, at 10:37PM, Mckinley Isabella Hinton entered our world and brought with her the beginning of a new adventure for our family. Prior to her birth it had just been Kevin, myself and Max. I can now say that life was much simpler before she was born. While we had a great life before she joined it, a simple life is not really what we are striving for. In the short six weeks that she has been a part of our life she has already given us amazing memories and a rollercoaster of emotions. It still seems unreal that she is our daughter, and that we are lucky enough to get to somehow shape her life.

I wanted to start a blog to help capture the memories that we will create as a family. I'm not sure if I will be diligent enough to keep up with it, or if time will seem too short to frequently update what is new in our lives, but I will at least attempt to keep to my goal of documenting the events that will become our life as a family of four (and maybe one day a family of four +).


Kevin said...

Can we get pictures/video on here? Good job on the blogging.

Crista80 said...

What a fantastic idea Sis! How wonderful it will be for everyone to stop in and see how your family is doing plus when McKinley gets older she'll have such a unique tool for reliving the earlier years of her life.

Neva said...

Thank you so much for the blog. Not only for the GG, but forever for McKinley. I really appreciated it.

Grandma C said...

Welcome to our family Mckinley, you are so very loved! We are looking forward to watching you grow and what a great idea your mom had for sharing your special moments with all of us.

Grandma C said...

Welcome to our family Mckinley, you are so very loved! We are looking forward to watching you grow and what a great idea your mom had for sharing your special moments with all of us.

Kevin said...

Can we get pictures/video on here? Good job on the blogging.