Monday, November 23, 2009

Hello Fall!

So summer is over and fall is here (and has been for a while). We are approaching the holidays and I just can't believe it! This week will be Mckinley's first Thanksgiving! She can't eat all the tasty food, but she has started to eat solids so maybe she can have some sweet potato baby food with dinner. That has been one of our biggest changes in the last couple months--she now eats real food! It has taken her a little while to begin to like it, but she sure does now! See the video attached of her first attempt at food--rice cereal. She wasn't a huge fan!

Our fall has begun with so much excitement. We took our first family vacation in the middle of October to Georgia. Mckinley did so well and we had so much fun. We went to the beach every day and met a lot of new family. It proved to us too that vacations are completely doable!

Daddy and his girl!

We love the beach!

We also had Mckinley's first Halloween. She didn't really know what to think...but we sure enjoyed dressing her up like a bumblebee! All the kidos who came to our door really liked that she was dressed up too!


Not too excited about "beeing a bee"!

Mckinley has also learned the joy of playing with toys! Everything is a new learning experience to her. It is so fun to watch her pick up something new and see her eyes get wide with confusion. What is it? What can I do with it? Should I put it in my mouth....YES!

So now we are going to make our way into the wonderful Holidays! I can't wait to make the memories! Turkeys, Santa, Snow, and a New Year here we come!
Very funny food video...also a little sad...but funny as we look back!

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