Thursday, October 28, 2010

Whoosh, Whoosh, Whoosh

This week we had our 16 week appointment. It was a great day for many reasons. First, it felt amazing to have reached this far in the pregnancy considering we faced some uphill battles early on. Also, it was the point in the pregnancy when we were first able to hear the baby's heart beat! It was such a great day especially since I had been having some irrational pregnancy worries as of late. That whoosh, whoosh, whoosh signified that everything is just fine though! :)

Now some even more exciting just two weeks we get to find out if Kinley will have a little sister or a little brother! Any guesses? Kevin originally thought boy...probably wishful thinking! However, now he is leaning more towards girl. Me? I'm not really sure. I think maybe boy since this pregnancy has been a little different than Mckinley, but who knows, all pregnancies are really different. Either way we will obviously be happy, but I am dying to know. I'm a planner through and through and I cannot stand not knowing! I think we are coming to a point when things are finally going to start feeling a little more real. I'm showing, starting to feel a little movement (no kicks or punches yet though), and soon we will know the answer to the big question! For now though I am just really happy that both the baby and me are doing well in this pregnancy!

Ok now on a side note and to add a few pictures to the post, we have also been enjoying the fall festivities here in the Hinton home. We went to the pumpkin patch, Kinely painted some pumpkins of her own, and we carved a couple pumpkins too! Here is some picture documentation showcasing the fun!

                                               So proud!

 First you got to scoop it...

                                                                                                       Daddy's is a little scary. 

                                                                   This stuff is really weird!

                                          Final product (not the best night picture but you get the idea)!

Friday, October 22, 2010

NO Mama!

I have spoke before of Mckinley's love for her daddy and then I spoke of how she started to come around to mama. Well these days I think Kinley shares her love for mama and daddy equally for the most part; however, this love does not always extend to a particular part of the day.

Each weekday Kinley waits for her daddy to get home from work. When I see him pull up I tell her to go look out the window. Then it goes like this...she spots daddy, she squeals with delight, she starts yelling and looking back at me--making sure I see him too, she begins to knock on the window to get his attention, he sees her and walks to the window, they exchange waves, she then turns her attention to the door to wait for his entrance, he comes in, she waddles over to him with pure joy on her face, often times she yells out "DADA"!, her arms raise, he picks her up, love at last!!

Well, I also go to Kevin to give him a hug and kiss hello. This is where trouble enters the picture. Kinley HATES for me to love Kevin--especially when he gets home from work. Each and every day after the events described above take place, she is in his arms, I am hugging them both....WHAM! She hits me in the face. Of course we say "no hitting" or "we do not hit mama", but the events always unfold the same way. Except the other day Mckinley said her first sentence to accompany her actions. "NO Mama"!!!!

Apparently I am not allowed to love Kevin---that is her daddy! I think we may have some problems on our hands when this baby arrives. :)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Pumpkin Patch and Torture Rituals

This weekend we joined my brother and his family and went to the pumpkin patch. It was the first time for Kinley (me too actually) and we had a lot of fun even though it was raining like crazy--I guess that just adds a more authentic fall feel huh? This pumpkin patch had so much to do and we did a lot. We ate fresh corn on the cob, looked at baby animals, had hot cocoa and picked the perfect pumpkins. It is so much fun to take Kinley to do new exciting things now that she is starting to really get it, if that even makes any sense. In any event, she had a ton of fun but I think she likes walking around in rain boots the best! Gotta love the little things that make her happy!


The next day we took Mckinley to participate in some torture. We got her ears pierced. I know, I know, how could we?! I feel bad enough that I had someone put holes in her body for the sole purpose of beauty, but we did and it looks really cute! I still feel guilty though. I had been thinking about doing this for a while and thought that we would do it for her first birthday. That day came and went though and I just couldn't bring myself to do it. On Sunday though I woke up and said "let's go do it". We went, we pierced, we cried, we comforted, and we were all better! I tried to be prepared by purchasing both a ring pop and her own Jamba Juice--she wanted nothing to do with the really strange ring pop thing, but she does know what Jamba is and was more than ok to suck that down! :) It was as bad as I thought it was going to be, but she also recouped just like I thought she would. Within minutes of it being done she was doing pretty good. Not sure if I would do it again--probably would because it is SO cute! Horrible mom I know.

PS...for any of those readers out there who speak with my mom, do not say anything to her yet. We are just going to let her see for herself in person and since she is on vacay right now she won't be reading the blog.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Coastal Fun! (Lots of pics!)

This weekend we made the trek down the coast and had an amazing visit with Kevin's parents. After a really long middle-of-the-night car ride we made it to Grandma and Grandpa's ready for a weekend of fun, but first sleep---long, late car rides when I typically am asleep by 9 these days aren't high on my list. After sleep though, we spent two days at the beach and also took Kinley to the aquarium for the first time. Mckinley ran around both the beach and aquarium squealing with joy! I think it was really the first time she had the chance to run for as long as she wanted in any direction and not be stopped. Apparently we need to find more open space!

This weekend was also the first time that Mckinley showed no fear of her previously scary Grandma B and Grandpa D. She went to them willingly and played all weekend. Maybe being the big 15 month old that she is has made her a little bit less fearful of life's scary creatures (i.e. grandparents).


It was such a fun weekend and I am so glad that we were able to find time to make it work. I don't think I have seen Kinley have that much fun crammed into such a short period of time in a really long time. It was definitely a weekend of great firsts and WAY better than our last trip to the beach!