Friday, October 22, 2010

NO Mama!

I have spoke before of Mckinley's love for her daddy and then I spoke of how she started to come around to mama. Well these days I think Kinley shares her love for mama and daddy equally for the most part; however, this love does not always extend to a particular part of the day.

Each weekday Kinley waits for her daddy to get home from work. When I see him pull up I tell her to go look out the window. Then it goes like this...she spots daddy, she squeals with delight, she starts yelling and looking back at me--making sure I see him too, she begins to knock on the window to get his attention, he sees her and walks to the window, they exchange waves, she then turns her attention to the door to wait for his entrance, he comes in, she waddles over to him with pure joy on her face, often times she yells out "DADA"!, her arms raise, he picks her up, love at last!!

Well, I also go to Kevin to give him a hug and kiss hello. This is where trouble enters the picture. Kinley HATES for me to love Kevin--especially when he gets home from work. Each and every day after the events described above take place, she is in his arms, I am hugging them both....WHAM! She hits me in the face. Of course we say "no hitting" or "we do not hit mama", but the events always unfold the same way. Except the other day Mckinley said her first sentence to accompany her actions. "NO Mama"!!!!

Apparently I am not allowed to love Kevin---that is her daddy! I think we may have some problems on our hands when this baby arrives. :)


Kevin Hinton said...

You forgot to mention that Max's roll in this daily reunion - he is equally poor at sharing the attention. It is pretty sweet getting such a robust greeting every day. It is kind of going to my head.

Kevin Hinton said...

You forgot to mention that Max's roll in this daily reunion - he is equally poor at sharing the attention. It is pretty sweet getting such a robust greeting every day. It is kind of going to my head.