Friday, December 17, 2010

For the Love of Ketchup

So I have been noticing that lately I have only been posting about some significant "event". While capturing those moments is obviously a HUGE part of this blog, when I started writing the blog I also wanted to capture the little moments in our lives too. The things that crack us up or the things I don't ever want to forget--no matter how small they may seem now.

So keeping that thought in mind I just had to write about ketchup! Mckinley L.O.V.E.S ketchup! If she sees a bottle of ketchup we hear "oooooooo DAT pease"! (and it is just not simply asking, she is almost begging with a sense of desperation in her voice---pretty darn cute too though).

If she is having food that she has once dipped in the delicious substance she seems to know that something is missing unless we pull out the ketchup.

This leads me to the list of dippable items in Mckinley's mind:

- Fries
- Meat of any variety
- Peas (one at at time)
- Green beans
- French bread
- P,B & J's

Many of these are extremely gross...particularly the last two, but she eats it up saying "mmmmm" the whole time. You may be wondering why ketchup was even available with some of these items, but rest assured there was some part of the meal that ketchup would normally be applicable to. Mckinley just takes it upon herself to dip everything in it. Actually, she is also known for scooping it up with her fingers too. :) As hard as mom tries to tell her that ketchup is not a food on its own, it is a condiment.

On a ketchup side note: I also am loving ketchup these days. I do not crave it, but it tastes REALLY good when I do have it. Maybe Kyan will have a love of ketchup just like his big sis. Oh the weird things pregnancy does to a lady.

Now I promise more blogs on the significant things in life coming is Christmas just around the corner after all!!

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