Friday, January 21, 2011

The Sweet Things in Life

Lately Mckinley has really been coming into those "terrible toddler years" (terrible two's I really don't think covers it) and I have found myself very often frustrated with her. This leads to loads of guilt on my part and the ever questioning mind (i.e. are we handling this right, is she happy, etc.). Of course the answers to those questions always fall on the right side of the line, but still, it is turning into a period of time that is challenging to say the least. 

There are days however that I look at Mckinley and just cannot help but smile or laugh at the crazy girl she is becoming. It makes me feel so silly that I ever had questions or became frustrated with her. Every hard day is washed away by the joy I get in witnessing the person she is becoming. There are so many little things that Mckinley does that are uniquely her and which I will cherish forever. I want so badly to remember these things instead of the challenging time that this period can be.

For that reason, I wanted to make an ever-growing list, by no means which is extensive, of things that Mckinley does that seem to melt my heart. I don't need a list to remember that Mckinley is about the sweetest thing alive, but I still want some actual documentation. I want them documented so that I can look back and remember the innocent sweet girl she is today, and also so that Mckinley can look back and see that there were things that she did even from a young age that made her her.

So here are some things that you do Mckinley that melt my heart:

1. The way you make barking noises at Max and bring him toys (his or yours) to play with...but then you also scream whenever he comes near you while you are eating (smart girl already---don't trust that dog near food!).
2. Your random leg hugs, just because.
3. The way you kiss pictures of different items in books, pausing my reading, because you love them (i.e. dogs, cats, babies, bugs).
4. That you try and fit your doll's shoes (which are about 2" long) onto your feet. :)
5. How you ask for "dada" every single morning when I get you up from bed.
6. Your undying love for Ellie (your stuffed elephant) and that you will only snuggle with mom or dad when you have her in your arms.
7. The pure joy you get from spinning in circles or stomping your feet.
8. The way you are mesmerized by babies. Your face lights up whether you see them on TV or in person!
9. Your funny little body expressions (crouch walk and hand shake...hopefully video to come!).
10. How you will sit and look at a book on your own and chat at each page like you are reading it yourself.
11. That no matter how frustrated I get with you I still get to hear "mama" 1,000 times a day because you love me and want to share something with me! AND, that I can get a kiss from you whenever I ask!

As I said earlier, this list is by no means extensive of all the things you do that are special or make me smile. On the contrary, this list is only a small example of why we love you so much.

I feel so lucky that I get to be Mckinley's mom and that even though she drives me crazy about hundred times a day, it is always easily forgotten. I'm sure every mom and dad feel this way, but it is nice to verbalize exactly why our daughter is so special. I hope that I can recreate a post like this at least once a year so that I document why Mckinley is special and amazing at each stage of her life. I know that I will cherish those posts, but I hope Mckinley will as well.

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