Monday, April 18, 2011

Kyan's 1 Month Old!

Happy 1 month birthday Kyan!! 


Things I love about you at 1 month:

- The way you snuggle into my neck as I comfort you back to bed after a feeding in the middle of the night
- That you smiled at me for the FIRST time yesterday! :)
- That you are so calm and peaceful
- That even if you do get upset, you are SO easy to soothe

You still do not do that much at only one month, but each day you seem to be more and more alert. I'm so excited to see what this next month brings!

 You can see he is holding up one finger for one month!


Elaine32800 said...

Such a sweetie

Cdanielledavis said...

So cute! I love the tie sticker!