Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Sick Babies

My two kiddos have been sick this past week. Mckinley started it, but she also got over it pretty quickly. Kyan on the other hand has not done as well. Really they aren't that bad, a runny nose and lots of congestion is the worst of it, but I feel so bad. Mckinley has finally learned to blow her nose so that helped SO much, but poor little Kyan has to deal with the dreaded nose sucker! I absolutely hate putting him through it and he screams his little head off, but it must be done. How scary must that be as a little guy?!

Thankfully Mckinley is pretty much over it and Kyan seems to be getting better each day. For now though, we continue our regiment of nose sucking (yuck, I know!) and humidifiers! I do not think that there are many things worse than knowing your babies do not feel well. Thank goodness they seem to rebound quickly!

Here's to a healthy end of summer and no more sick babies!

Friday, August 19, 2011

5 Months Old!

Kyan turned 5 months old yesterday. He is becoming such a fun, happy baby. Not that he wasn't those things before, but he is so much more aware of the world these days and almost anything makes him smile. This is the start of a period of time that I love in babyhood. He isn't getting in to everything, everything amazes him, and he is learning like crazy. We are also entering that phase when developmental milestones are going to start flying by. It is always hard to believe that another month has flown by, but it is really starting to show this month. He looks a lot older to me and acts that way as well. I'm loving every single moment!

Kyan, here is what you are up to at 5 months!

* You are SO happy! Unless you are hungry, you rarely cry and you smile ALL the time!
* You love to eat. Whether it is your bottle or baby food, you really enjoy chowing down. :) So far you have added butternut squash, bananas, carrots, and apples to your diet. I think you really like the squash best.
* You roll both ways! You have rolled from back to belly for a long time, and have once before gone from belly to back, but yesterday it was like you said, "well I'm 5 months old, time to kick it up a notch" and you started rolling both ways all day.
* You are such a good sleeper (not quite as good as your big sis, but I cannot complain one bit). You sleep about 11 hours at night (rarely more) and you take 3 naps that are 1.5-2 hrs long (you just dropped your 4th catnap this week).
* You play with toys! Yay! It is really funny though because your favorite type of "toy" is any blanket, towel, fabric book, etc to chew on. Give you a piece of fabric and you are good to go! :)
* You went camping for the first time this month and did amazing! You even slept in the tent!
* You also went to Oregon for the first time to visit Grandma B and Grandpa D--you did so great traveling and we can't wait to go back again.
* You do REALLY good in your carseat--so different than Mckinley was, and I'm even nervous to jinx it by saying something. Even if you are awake, you hardly cry when you ride in it--simply amazing!
* You weigh 17.2lbs and are 27.5" (home measurements, so the could be way off!)
* Your acid reflux is getting better--hence the chubbiness that has begun to build up this month! :)
* You L.O.V.E. Mckinley. This has been true since the moment you noticed her, but it is true now more than ever. You light up when you see her and she loves you back just as much. She insists daily on sitting next to you constantly, "reading" to you, showing you any and everything that interests her, telling you "good morning" almost every day, and bringing you toys. She also comes at pats your back while saying "it's ok Kyan" when you cry. So sweet! I hope you are always close!
* You and your daddy are really starting to develop a close relationship. Huge smiles are seen when he comes home from work and you simply enjoying being around him.

Ok that is probably enough updates for the month! :) I know this next month will bring just as many. We love you so stinking much Ky!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Target will Bankrupt Me!

I do not know what it is about Target, but I cannot leave that place without spending $100. Is it the happy spotted dog mascot? The fact that it has a Starbucks in it and that also draws out my wallet so easily? Or is it the endless aisles of stuff that I apparently must "need".

Today we headed to Target to get diapers. Really that was all I needed, but I must have thought in my mind that there were some other items I might "need" to get because this is what we left with:

- Diapers
- Two pair of PJs for Ky
- Socks for Ky--wrong size (great! that trip to return will likely result in more purchases)
- Calendar
- Writing practice activity for Mckinley
- Dry erase markers
- Two vinyl bibs
- Hair stuff
- Leggings for Mckinley
- Jacket for Mckinley
- And...one stop at Starbucks for some banana bread!

Surprising, and the reason I LOVE Target, is that this all came in at just over $100! Unfortunately frequent trips of this variety are pretty rough on the checkbook! :)

 PS...Kevin, it is for the kids so it is ok right?

How can your resist a store whose mascot is this little guy? Amazing marketing Target!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

First Food!!

Kyan has graduated to a new stage of baby development--he is eating solids (well they aren't really solid, but you know what I mean)! A couple weeks ago we started out our new food adventure with carrots. Since Kyan battles acid reflux our doctor has already had him having rice cereal in his bottles for several months. Because of this she told us to skip cereal as his first food and go ahead to fruits and veggies right away.

I wouldn't say he loved the food the first time we tried it, but it was definitely better than Mckinley's reaction to food the first time she had it--you must watch this (a fun look back in time--scroll to the bottom to see the Kinley video)!

I was a little apprehensive that Kyan was ready to eat solids based on his first attempt, so we stopped for about a week and a half after that first try. We started back up this weekend and now he actually seems to be enjoying it. What a difference a little over a week can make! Since we started, he has now had carrots, roasted butternut squash, and roasted bananas. I would have to say that the roasted butternut squash seems to be his fave--yuck! I tasted it and thought it was awful, but I don't like squash to start with so I am probably a little biased. Kevin seemed to think it was pretty tasty! :)

Excited to expand his food repertoire and see what types of foods are his favorites!

Here's the classic, really gross, first food pic:


And here is a video, which is not all that exciting except that Mckinley adds some interesting commentary! :)


For anyone who watches both videos, Kyan and Mckinley are roughly the same age in each--don't they look identical? Definitely brother and sister! :)

Monday, August 8, 2011

Art Projects

Lately I finally have felt like Mckinley has started to get old enough for a structured art project--more than just coloring or writing on the chalkboard. For Christmas Mckinley got this really cool present that basically is a box of at least 7-8 different art projects all separated out into individual packages (link to My Giant Busy Box if interested). This thing is super cool for the not-so-crafty-new-mom, AKA me. :) It is impossible to screw up. Also the projects are fun and pretty low mess.

In the last few days Mckinley (with the help of mom or dad) has completed three of these projects. I still think she is obviously a little young since a) she can't really do them all by herself and b) she gets bored with them after about 20 min., but we still have a lot of fun and I think it is good for her to work on projects that challenge her.

So now for a little art showing! :)

Artist working....

Final products...

 Paper bag frog

 Tissue paper bird

Sticker picture

All three final products...

And here is the magic box...

At the pace she is going, we are going to run out of projects really soon! Hopefully I can find more of these boxes with different projects because they are a GREAT way to keep her occupied! :)

Monday, August 1, 2011


For the second weekend in a row we went of a fun family trip! This weekend we went camping! It was technically Mckinley's second time (we went to our family cabin when she was about 2 1/2 months old), but her first time camping in a tent. It was Kyan's first camping of any sort too. While it was a ton of work to camp with a toddler and an infant for just two nights, it was WELL worth it. We had so much fun and I already cannot wait until we go again.

We went with my mom, step-dad, brother and his family. It is so fun to get to watch Mckinley experience all these new exciting things. It has always been fun watching her learn or do something new, but it is different now that she is getting older. Before, her new things were going to the beach for the first time or riding in a grocery cart, but now her firsts are making smores and tubing behind a jet ski! I love this age even with all it's challenges and difficulties (read: tantrums and whining). Getting to watch Mckinley play with her cousins, sit around a camp fire, wake up fuzzy-haired in a cold tent, go swimming in a lake, climb on a bike (even though her feet do not reach the pedals), and a million other camping related events makes my heart almost explode.

Kyan is still too young to have any idea what camping means, but he still seemed to have a good time. He loved laying around outside and smiling at anyone in sight. Seeing how much Mckinley enjoyed our weekend makes me even more excited for next summer when Kyan will start to enjoy it too.

Some highlights of the trip for Mckinley....

- Roasting marshmallows and making smores--yum!
- Sleeping in a "big girl bed" in a tent (aka a camping mat) with her whole family
- Riding her cousins' bike...thanks for the push daddy and papa!
- Tubing behind the jet ski, and riding on the jet ski with mom and dad
- Playing with Aunt Gina's ipad (she thought it was awesome!)--not a traditional camping toy, but helpful in a pinch with the kids!
- Swimming in the lake and riding down a slide into the lake
- Eating LOTS of snacks!
- Playing so hard every day that both nights she asked to go to bed! :)

We left dirty and tired....just the way a camping trip should end! Camping are some of my most treasured memories. I cannot wait to fill Mckinley and Kyan with those type of memories too!

Camping, we shall return next summer!

First smore! Yum!

Tent bed head! :)

Breakfast in bed

"Let me figure out how this camping chair works...."

"Got it!"

"I LOVE camping!"

Watching the fire...isn't this what everyone does when camping?

Such a sweetie!

Riding a bike, sort of.

Cousin love!

Nap time!

She was not pleased to be getting out of the lake.

Loving on her brother!

Tubing time!

Here we go...this is still in the no wake zone. They actually got going pretty good! Mckinley had a permanent smile and I could stop laughing at it! :)

Hanging out in his turtle hat!

There is my smiley guy!