Tuesday, August 9, 2011

First Food!!

Kyan has graduated to a new stage of baby development--he is eating solids (well they aren't really solid, but you know what I mean)! A couple weeks ago we started out our new food adventure with carrots. Since Kyan battles acid reflux our doctor has already had him having rice cereal in his bottles for several months. Because of this she told us to skip cereal as his first food and go ahead to fruits and veggies right away.

I wouldn't say he loved the food the first time we tried it, but it was definitely better than Mckinley's reaction to food the first time she had it--you must watch this (a fun look back in time--scroll to the bottom to see the Kinley video)!

I was a little apprehensive that Kyan was ready to eat solids based on his first attempt, so we stopped for about a week and a half after that first try. We started back up this weekend and now he actually seems to be enjoying it. What a difference a little over a week can make! Since we started, he has now had carrots, roasted butternut squash, and roasted bananas. I would have to say that the roasted butternut squash seems to be his fave--yuck! I tasted it and thought it was awful, but I don't like squash to start with so I am probably a little biased. Kevin seemed to think it was pretty tasty! :)

Excited to expand his food repertoire and see what types of foods are his favorites!

Here's the classic, really gross, first food pic:


And here is a video, which is not all that exciting except that Mckinley adds some interesting commentary! :)


For anyone who watches both videos, Kyan and Mckinley are roughly the same age in each--don't they look identical? Definitely brother and sister! :)

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