Sunday, February 5, 2012

Ky's First Hair Cut!

It had to be done. It could be avoided no longer. We cut Kyan's hair! He was starting to look messy at all times because of his shaggy hair. It is still definitely shaggy post hair cut, but in a cleaner sort of way. I didn't think I would ever be attached to me kiddos hair, but it sort of just turned out that way. We still have not cut Mckinley's and she is sneaking up on 3! Hers I do not mind though, because when it went through the awkward stage that Kyan's was in I could just put a clip in it, and now it looks cute long. Kyan's needed cleaned up though. I debated cutting it for a while, but once I decided to do it, I really wanted it cut. I felt no sadness as it was cut away-just pleased at how cute it looked! 

He loved the whole process too. He is so social, he could have cared less that there was a strange lady with scissors and a buzzer messing with his hair. Just happy and smiling the entire time! :)

Now we have started it though...we are going to have to keep getting it cut. So weird that he is old enough to need recurring hair cuts! 

Here are some pics (quality is only part due to me using our video camera to take pictures and in part due to Kyan being the wiggliest model possible).









At home after:


 Ok, not the best photos in the world, and really it is hard to tell he even got his hair cut, but he did and it looks so much better! The first photo shows just how out of control it was. Now it is long and shaggy, but he doesn't look like we do not care if his hair is brushed!

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