Thursday, March 22, 2012

1 Year Old!

So the boy turned 1 last Sunday. It was an amazing day from start to finish! I told Kevin at the end of the day that all of the sudden I look at Kyan differently. That didn't happen with Mckinley. Kyan just seems grown up, and it honestly happened overnight before his birthday. It may have had something to do with the fact that he stopped taking bottles about a week before his birthday, transitioned to milk the day before his birthday, and walked across the room on his birthday, but who knows really. :) He just grew up!


The day was so special! It started off by Kyan opening gifts from us:




Then we had a great birthday party, with Kyan's first doughnut and chocolate cake experience! He loved opening all his gifts-particularly the cards, had a blast playing with all his family, and was spoiled rotten!


This literally was the best family picture we could get with our less-than-cooperative kiddos...








Later after his nap, Kyan got his first taste of Jimmy Johns sandwich (of course he loved it!), we then did a little shopping and went home to relax. We ended our day with a yummy breakfast dinner (had to do it after a breakfast party) and more birthday cake! Kyan was in heaven all day!


This past year has been amazingly wonderful. Kyan is so incredible, I could not ask for anything more. Having two kiddos definitely has its challenges, but I wouldn't give up a single moment! I adore watching Mckinley and Kyan interact, even if it is a hug after some sort of physical attack! :)


Here are some 12 month moments:


* You started standing without help about the end of February, but would only do it for a few seconds. Then within a week you were up to probably 10 seconds.

* You took your first step on March 10th (exactly 1 year since the day I entered the hospital when I was pregnant with you)!

* You gave up bottles on March 11th! After the first try on sippy cups-amazing! You are kind of particular about which ones to use though.

* You gave up formula the Friday evening before your birthday.

* Sleep hasn't changed-still awesome. :)

* You have 5 teeth. 3 up top and 2 down low.

* You refuse to talk. You make all kinds of noise, repeat the same sounds often, on a rare occasion will say da-da, na-na (no-no, I think), and have one time repeated ni-ni for night-night. No ma-mas. None!

* You sign more (like someone who is starving!) and all-done, and we are working on please.

* You love to climb! Luckily, you still cannot climb up onto anything, but if some object is on the floor i.e. cushion, pillow, box, human, you will climb all over it!

* You lose your mind when daddy comes home until he picks you up and talks with you. (The same greeting is not given to me-apparently I am not all that missed).

* We went to visit Grandma Bonnie and Grandpa Dennis at the ocean. You had a blast! You ate sand and then screamed upon getting a later diaper change! :(

* You have crazy boy hair and have had 3 haircuts already!

* You are easy to make laugh (most of the time) and are super ticklish still.

* You can climb up stairs, but not down.

* You love taking a bath with your sis-do not worry, not that many pictures have been taken!

* Waving is still something you can very much do, but choose to do so very infrequently!

* You now point with your little index finger at things!

* You think getting in trouble is probably the funniest thing in the world. The pantry and the fireplace are your two fave spots to cause problems! :)

* We go to the doc in 1 week, so I will have to update later with what your giant baby status is! **Update: We went to the doctor and you weigh 25 lbs 7 ounces (86%) and you are 32 inches tall (95%).


As always, you are amazing. I love you so much, I cannot even describe the joy you bring to our lives. I am so excited for what the next year will bring!


Happy Birthday Sweet Boy!






1 comment:

Unknown said...

Two things- the cake turned out perfect! I am sad we had to miss the party :( And... Remember when I was at your house once when Mckinley/Henry were newish toddlers and I was shocked you had that rack of kitchen stuff out (crockpot, etc)??? Yeah, boys are destructive!! :)