Friday, July 30, 2010

I Am Angry!!

I swear this is what Mckinley is trying to tell me most of the day. Lately she has been in an angry phase. While it is hard for me to not fall into the self-pity of feeling as if she just dislikes me (if you were bit constantly or kicked during a diaper change you would feel the same way), I do honestly feel like it is just frustration from the inability to communicate her wants. This is another wonderful period of time that I was never told about. For the other joyful time read here. Maybe it is just my child, maybe that is why I was never told that kids act this way. Mckinley though, she throws tantrums. I mean full on, body flailing, leg kicking, crocodile tear pouring, ear piercing, tantrums. Let me remind you the kid is only 13 months old. What?! What are the so-called terrible twos going to be like if she is already this type of a drama queen? I don't even want to think about it.

In reality, I blame myself. I have tried to teach her sign language, but unfortunately we have only succeeded at one sign--more. But she has really got this more thing down pat. She wants more everything--particularly food though. However, during what I call the angry phase she signs more simultaneously with a shriek. As if I didn't know she wanted more yogurt/milk/Cheerios/fruit/insert any type of food/pool/swing/Max, she yells at me while signing more. In the beginning I was so excited that she actually could sign something I didn't really notice she wasn't doing any other signs yet. I kept doing them hoping she would eventually pick one up, but apparently she thought she was getting by fine with more. She does also point (and grunt at the same time) for anything she wants. However neither of these "tools" help her communicate as much as she needs to. So my quest for sign language communication has been started again. Hopefully we will find some success, but I may just have to wait until she can say more than mama (not really what she wants that here), dada, no-no-no, ni-ni (night-night). Until that point though I may need to invest in some sort of body armor for protection.

What should a battered mama do? Any advice?


She also wave bye-bye...that is a sign right?


Erin Weis said...

love your blog and pics! This is a difficult phase. It sounds like Ava at that age and I think Kara is getting there. I have learned that these little girls are so much more dramatic than boys even at a young age. Just be strong and try not to give into those tantrums. I will be praying your next one is a boy! :) lol!

Erin Weis said...

love your blog and pics! This is a difficult phase. It sounds like Ava at that age and I think Kara is getting there. I have learned that these little girls are so much more dramatic than boys even at a young age. Just be strong and try not to give into those tantrums. I will be praying your next one is a boy! :) lol!