So this is one of those annoying/I like to brag about my AMAZING kid type of posts. It really is more for me and Kev so that we can look back and remember what Mckinley was like at this point in her life, but those who read our blog will be subject to the obnoxiousness too! :)
Now that we have that settled...Mckinley is becoming quite the little talker. It has come on all of the sudden too. I mean, really she doesn't actually "talk", but she says A LOT. While we were in Hawaii I noticed that Mckinley learned 3 new words (potty, beep, and morning). While Mckinley had a small vocabulary before our trip, she learned words over a long period of time, so 3 words in 9 days stuck out to me. After we got back from Hawaii it seemed Mckinley was saying a new word about every other day. So Kevin and I tried to add up how many words she can say and it totalled over 30. Again, to probably most other people they don't know that she is saying half of those words because she either doesn't say them completely properly (i.e. boo for book or tha you for thank you) or they just don't catch that she said the word. BUT mom and dad notice and other people notice about half the time too.
This language things really seems to be ramping up exponentially because this past Sunday (to our huge surprise) she said 4 new words. She said "sno" when she saw it was snowing, "come" (when I told her daddy was "coming back to the car soon", "kick" (when daddy told her she can't kick mom), and "buddy" (when she said "buddy boy" in reference to something Kevin was saying about Kyan). I know brag, brag, brag....Annoying! Too bad, you read my blog so you have to hear me brag a little. I don't think it is that bad since I know I am bragging too, right?
The best thing about this new language development though is that she seems to understand about 10x as much as she can say. Communicating with her gets easier and easier each day. It is fun to see her understand a request that we ask of her that she never understood before. However, it also has meant that we have to start being more careful of what we say in front of her---"boobie" or "what the crap" aren't really things I need to hear from Mckinley. :)
It's okay I brag about her all the time to my friends and well whoever else will listen! So, when you brag it just gives me more to annoyingly share with my friends as well. She is pretty AMAZING!
I didn't realize you guys had occasion to say "boobie" all that much though! Guess you should be careful about that. :) I'll try not to say "stinky butt" in front of her either since that isn't exactly the best phrase for kiddos to learn either.
Oh just notice the blog name change! Love it!
I'm glad you are ok with my bragging, but it really doesn't count because you are her aunt. You have no choice but to deal with it.
Also, you would be surprised at how often the word boobie can pop up in conversation around here. :)
Glad you like it! The site address is still just with kinleybell though...the name change is only once you are at the blog. Hope that doesn't confuse people.
Don't ever feel bad about bragging! Thats your job as mom :)
List of works I have heard her say:
1. Dada
2. Moma
3. Papa
4. Baby
5. KyGuy
6. Belly
7. Night Night
8. Book
9. Hi
10. Bye bye
11. Feet
12. Toes
13. Eyes
14. Nose
15. Light
16. Thank you
17. Kitty
18. Birdy
19. snow
20. come
21. go
22. potty
23. pretty
24. beep
25. boom
26. car
27. no
28. yes
29. please
30. uh oh
31. boat
32. doll
33. cold
34. kick
35. ball
36. that
37. okay
38. good girl
39. bood boy
40. buddy boy
41. arm
42. eat
43. more
44. buzz
45. moon
46. num num
47. diaper
Just had to ask, why would you be saying boobie in front of Mckinley anyways :). Love your post and if you don't brag I will!
Oh you know, just in everyday talk boobie happens to come up. :) Feel free to brag even if I already have too!
48. morning
49. home
Good bragging dad! :)
Good advice Sarah! :)
Hmmmmmm . . . I don't see "gramma" or "grammy" . . . this could be a problem.
We are working on it I promise! She just seems to want to say papa instead (I think she thinks that papa means both grandma and grandpa though---so rest assured she knows you!).
I would brag about her saying Grandma but she thinks I'm PAPA???
I would brag about her saying Grandma but she thinks I'm PAPA???
Good advice Sarah! :)
Oh you know, just in everyday talk boobie happens to come up. :) Feel free to brag even if I already have too!
Just had to ask, why would you be saying boobie in front of Mckinley anyways :). Love your post and if you don't brag I will!
Hmmmmmm . . . I don't see "gramma" or "grammy" . . . this could be a problem.
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