She is the reason for every decision I make in life. Little did I know how deeply she would change my world. As a soon to be parent, of course you think you know. You think that you understand the ways in which you will grow as a human, develop as a parent, or learn to love a new life (a stranger in the beginning). But after the experience actually happens you realize you had no idea. It is much more powerful than you could have ever thought.
Do not get me wrong, every day is not easy or life changing. Some days are hard, some weeks are hard. Many days are uneventful. However, there are so many more wonderful moments than difficult ones. Even one great moment out-weighs a year's worth of hard ones.
I talked before of how this upcoming day was bittersweet for me. This emotion is still true. I am saddened that my baby is becoming each day less and less a baby. I am reminiscent of the days she was a tiny infant. But I am excited about the person she is becoming. Each day she learns more and creates new memories for me to cherish. As I said before, I think that it will just have to be a bittersweet time for me.
So now as I am reflecting back on this year, I happily remember all moments. Good and bad. Hard and easy. Funny and sweet. Shocking and memorable. I feel like the luckiest person on earth. She is my daughter. Part of me and part of her dad. She is sweet, caring, smart, funny, beautiful. Mckinley is amazing. Simply put, nothing short of, amazing.