Monday, June 14, 2010

Beaches and Boo Boos

This weekend we spent a fantastic time with the family on the Oregon Coast where Kevin's parents live. We ate great food, played with cousins, and loved on Grandma and Grandpa. We also had a couple of trips to the beach. Mckinley has been to the beach only twice before. The first time she was only 6 weeks old so she obviously didn't do a whole lot. The second time was over Memorial Day weekend, but only for a brief walk and she didn't even get out of the backpack. So this weekend we were really excited to let her PLAY in the sand! Unfortunately, the beach gods were against us as we had two pretty poor trips to the beach.

For our first trip, the scene was happy baby, beach toys, a BEAUTIFUL sunny morning, and a couple hours before nap time.

Before we set into our playtime we decided to go look around some tide pools, as it was an extremely low tide. Mckinley was in her backpack loving life and trusting in mom to be careful on all those slippery rocks. Well I'm sure you can guess what happened miss step and Mckinley and I are on the ground both crying. I ended up slipping on one of those tricky rocks and in a split second I'm on my butt with Mckinley still on my back. Of course I scream in fear that she has been hurt by this little mishap and yell at any family around me to get her out of the pack. After a good amount of crying (by both mom and babe) we determine that all in life is ok besides one badly bruised baby foot and one badly bruised mama butt! (I apparently must have sat on her foot in our fall---ouch, I know!) So our first trip of the day ends in Mckinley's first real boo boo. Needless to say it did not really end how we had hoped.

We were not deterred though! After determining we were all ok and getting some food and a nap we decide to head to the beach again. This time we would not be venturing out onto the rocks however, we instead would be playing in the sand. But yet again the trip did not exactly go as planned. The wind was SO strong! We tried many times to find a place sheltered from the wind for the girls (cousin in tow this time) to play in the sand, but this shelter was nowhere to be found. So we said "ok we will just make do with the wind". After only two minutes though Mckinley's little face was covered in sand! In her eyes, up her nose, in her ears, covering every inch of her face. The same was true for her cousin! So grandma and I made a b-line for the car, trying not to lose anything to the wind along the way.

So while the trips to the beach were not really what we were planning, they were still memorable. Our first trip horrible, our second almost humorous. We are however, looking forward to our next trip!

Here is what we looked like later in the day...enjoying the sun and happy, even though she isn't showing it in this picture!


lucilleinthesky said...

I feel your pain!!! I fell down the stairs last week while I was holding Giovanna. Since I had her in both of my arms, I didn't get to catch myself and I badly bruised my butt/tailbone. Luckily, Giovanna was not hurt, although she did start crying from the shock of falling.

Anyways, it sucks to fall. It sucks to bruise your butt. And it's all a million times worse when you are holding your baby. Glad that you two weren't hurt worse!!

kinleybellmama said...

When we first got to the beach and stepped into the sandstorm that was taking place I thought "maybe this isn't the best place for a baby to play". The I thought "maybe I will just set her down in the sand and see if she likes it". Within about 2 seconds her face and eyes were completely red with irritiation and I realized I probably should have trusted my original instict that severe sandstorms are not an ideal playground. Kind of like when my Dad slid about 10 feet down the mossy rocks at the beach earlier that morning and I thought "man, that looks like it might be a dangerous activity for a Mom carrying a baby" and then I thought "well, lets see how it goes"..... bad idea. Here is some advice to other Dad'
s that follow in my steps - avoid natural disasters and jagged slippery rocks for family outings until at least 18 months.

kinleybellmama said...

When we first got to the beach and stepped into the sandstorm that was taking place I thought "maybe this isn't the best place for a baby to play". The I thought "maybe I will just set her down in the sand and see if she likes it". Within about 2 seconds her face and eyes were completely red with irritiation and I realized I probably should have trusted my original instict that severe sandstorms are not an ideal playground. Kind of like when my Dad slid about 10 feet down the mossy rocks at the beach earlier that morning and I thought "man, that looks like it might be a dangerous activity for a Mom carrying a baby" and then I thought "well, lets see how it goes"..... bad idea. Here is some advice to other Dad'
s that follow in my steps - avoid natural disasters and jagged slippery rocks for family outings until at least 18 months

kinleybellmama said...

When we first got to the beach and stepped into the sandstorm that was taking place I thought "maybe this isn't the best place for a baby to play". The I thought "maybe I will just set her down in the sand and see if she likes it". Within about 2 seconds her face and eyes were completely red with irritiation and I realized I probably should have trusted my original instict that severe sandstorms are not an ideal playground. Kind of like when my Dad slid about 10 feet down the mossy rocks at the beach earlier that morning and I thought "man, that looks like it might be a dangerous activity for a Mom carrying a baby" and then I thought "well, lets see how it goes"..... bad idea. Here is some advice to other Dad'
s that follow in my steps - avoid natural disasters and jagged slippery rocks for family outings until at least 18 months

kinleybellmama said...

When we first got to the beach and stepped into the sandstorm that was taking place I thought "maybe this isn't the best place for a baby to play". The I thought "maybe I will just set her down in the sand and see if she likes it". Within about 2 seconds her face and eyes were completely red with irritiation and I realized I probably should have trusted my original instict that severe sandstorms are not an ideal playground. Kind of like when my Dad slid about 10 feet down the mossy rocks at the beach earlier that morning and I thought "man, that looks like it might be a dangerous activity for a Mom carrying a baby" and then I thought "well, lets see how it goes"..... bad idea. Here is some advice to other Dad'
s that follow in my steps - avoid natural disasters and jagged slippery rocks for family outings until at least 18 months

kinleybellmama said...

When we first got to the beach and stepped into the sandstorm that was taking place I thought "maybe this isn't the best place for a baby to play". The I thought "maybe I will just set her down in the sand and see if she likes it". Within about 2 seconds her face and eyes were completely red with irritiation and I realized I probably should have trusted my original instict that severe sandstorms are not an ideal playground. Kind of like when my Dad slid about 10 feet down the mossy rocks at the beach earlier that morning and I thought "man, that looks like it might be a dangerous activity for a Mom carrying a baby" and then I thought "well, lets see how it goes"..... bad idea. Here is some advice to other Dad'
s that follow in my steps - avoid natural disasters and jagged slippery rocks for family outings until at least 18 months

Hinton Kevin said...

Falling is terrible. There is no more helpless feeling than that split second when you realize you have lost your balance and you know you are going down. I used to fall over quite a bit when I was a kid - it was terrifying. Now I walk very cautiously to avoid any danger. I was impressed with Kinely and your toughness though - one good cry and then we were on on our way and back out at the beach later that same day to get our faces sandblasted by the windstorm. Sorry I wasn't there to catch you guys - I still feel guilty! I was facinated by the rock formations of that bowl we had crawled into. Love you and good bloggin'!

kinleybellmama said...

Oh no! A fall down the stairs is awful! Glad that all that was injured was your butt/tailbone--not that that is anything great though! I worry all the time on the stairs, and rocks, and really just about anything. I feel like my clumsiness has increased since having a child---mommy brain I guess! So glad that you and that sweet little girl are ok though!

Alyna @ Better Your Blog said...

Sounds like two very un-fun trips! :( Hope the rest of your trip was way better!!! I love her pink shades in the last picture - you don't need to sport a smile when you've got shades as cool as those! :-)

Alyna @ Better Your Blog said...

Just an FYI...I had trouble commenting because the pop-up kept opening to far below to let me hit "Submit". I ended up hitting F11 so I could get that last bit of screen space but a.) how many people know to hit F11? and b.) you might be deterring comments if DISQUS isn't working properly for other people. You can't move the window, if I tried to scroll down I lost the pop-up just wasn't working very well and thought you should know!

Have a great night!
~ Alyna

kinleybellmama said...

Thanks for letting me know! I will have to watch and see if it continues to be an issue. If you happen to comment again, please let me know if you have the same problem. Also, I didn't know about F11--thanks! :)

kinleybellmama said...

Those parts of our trip were pretty un-fun, but the rest of our trip was great! The shades are funny too because so often she rips them off, but it happen to be really bright out on that deck so she wanted them on. We took them off for a moment and she wanted them back--so fickle!

Kevin said...

You were clumsy before Mckinley got here babe...

kinleybellmama said...

Thanks for letting me know! I will have to watch and see if it continues to be an issue. If you happen to comment again, please let me know if you have the same problem. Also, I didn't know about F11--thanks! :)

kinleybellmama said...

When we first got to the beach and stepped into the sandstorm that was taking place I thought "maybe this isn't the best place for a baby to play". The I thought "maybe I will just set her down in the sand and see if she likes it". Within about 2 seconds her face and eyes were completely red with irritiation and I realized I probably should have trusted my original instict that severe sandstorms are not an ideal playground. Kind of like when my Dad slid about 10 feet down the mossy rocks at the beach earlier that morning and I thought "man, that looks like it might be a dangerous activity for a Mom carrying a baby" and then I thought "well, lets see how it goes"..... bad idea. Here is some advice to other Dad'
s that follow in my steps - avoid natural disasters and jagged slippery rocks for family outings until at least 18 months.

kinleybellmama said...

When we first got to the beach and stepped into the sandstorm that was taking place I thought "maybe this isn't the best place for a baby to play". The I thought "maybe I will just set her down in the sand and see if she likes it". Within about 2 seconds her face and eyes were completely red with irritiation and I realized I probably should have trusted my original instict that severe sandstorms are not an ideal playground. Kind of like when my Dad slid about 10 feet down the mossy rocks at the beach earlier that morning and I thought "man, that looks like it might be a dangerous activity for a Mom carrying a baby" and then I thought "well, lets see how it goes"..... bad idea. Here is some advice to other Dad'
s that follow in my steps - avoid natural disasters and jagged slippery rocks for family outings until at least 18 months