Thursday, June 24, 2010

She's a Stubborn Little One -- Writer's Workshop Take 1

As my blog writing has become somewhat therapeutic for me, I have decided to begin participating in a Writer's Workshop. Writer's Workshop is a fun event put on by a fellow blogger, Mama Kat, from Mama's Losin' It! and you can read about the event here if you are interested. Also, I was introduced to this great idea by a friend, who is also a mommy blogger (among many other things as well!). If you want, you can read about her life and the great insights she has at lucielle in the sky (she also has an AMAZINGLY cute family that she sweetly posts lots of pics of!). Thanks for the great idea Lucy!

Anyways, back to the Writer's Workshop. While there are several prompts to choose from each week, I am going to try and choose ones that relate to family as that is after all the theme of my blog. However, I cannot promise to always stick to that plan! :)

So this week I choose prompt #3 What does your child do that reminds you most of yourself? How does it make you feel?

Mckinley is REALLY strong-headed, and unfortunately this describes me completely. A nice combination of being stubborn and opinionated. It seems kind of weird to think that a one year old can be strong-headed, but I promise you it is true. Maybe this is common for toddlers, I assume that she is probably not the only little one that acts this way, or maybe I have this trait down so well that she couldn't quite possibly escape it.

Both of my parents would tell you that I have always been this way. While this obviously is not the best characteristic to have shine through, it is part of me nonetheless. I have always liked to think that my opinions are just that, opinions, and being stubborn is just standing up for myself. Right? Well not so much. It is actually really annoying! Ha, I know. Now I get it. Now that I have a little one, and see how difficult it is to manage, I realize this.

In all honesty I have always realized it is a personality trait that is difficult to deal with, and as such, I have tried to reign it in. Seeing that Mckinley is already exhibiting this trait makes me feel SCARED! If she is this way at one years old, what will she be like at 15? Even though I am little uneasy about her already having strong opinions, I also know that she is sweet as can be, loving, intelligent, and observant. These other traits will weigh heavily on her personality and will most definitely create a balance to that stubbornness. For now I will just laugh at her protests for standing in the tub, wanting food immediately as she is placed in her highchair, or HATING having her diaper changed!

What are some ways that you deal with your little ones stubborn tendencies? Do you wait it out, deal with it, or ignore it?


mamakatslosinit said...

Isn't it hard when you realize you're raising your own hard headed self! Maile and I can really battle it out sometimes and it's because we're both so dang stubborn! So I totally know where you're coming from!

Missie said...

She will be fine at 15 and 21; you may not agree with her, but she will be her own girl. I am one of those women also and it can work to our advantage.

Mommypants said...

I fear you are in for it! It does not get better. It doesn't! Well, it gets a tiny bit better when they talk and don't get so frustrated. BUT then they learn how to sass - not fun! But being persistent and knowing what you want? Great traits to have!

kinleybellmama said...

I find it funny because I believe my mom, although she would rarely admit it, is just as stubborn. I guess you just can't escape your family traits huh?

kinleybellmama said...

I like to think that I turned out ok, but I definitely butted heads with my mother along the way. As tough as it was during that time, I truly think it had a HUGE impact on the person I am today. I'm not really so worried about this with Mckinley though. I think we will obviously have our traditional "mother, daughter moments", but I also think that I learned a lot from those experiences with my mom, and I hope I can use them to strengthen my relationship with my own daughter.

kinleybellmama said...

Oh the sass! I know I was sassy for sure, so I'm sure she will fall right in line and get that from me too! :) I definitely think a lot of it now though is that she can't verbalize her frustration...hopefully words will change that. And hopefully the sass will be minimal!

Parentingbydummies said...

My dad calls me The Bull. He's convinced Dumb Dad that it's okay to do it too. I think my stubborn streak is endearing. Apparently they would describe it differently!

kinleybellmama said...

Oh, by the way, I can't get your button to show up right. Any tips?

kinleybellmama said...

I agree, being stubborn is endearing. :) So is having your mind made up. If not your just considered indecisive right? The parent thing (ours) never seems to end either I think. Just today my mom was over visiting the babe, and of course Mckinley had one of those stubborn moments, and my mom was quick to note that she must have gotten that from me. Can't they begin to forget at some point?

Nirvana Mamma said...

Oh, yes, 1 year old's can be strong willed. So can newborns. I really think, now that I'm a mom, kids are born with personalities. So, now, when I'm in Target and I see some child having a meltdown, I no longer blame it on bad parenting. I send a little, "Hang in there," thought to the parent who was fortunate to have had this little child. Because it is fortunate. Once she's old enough to decide what she's wants in life, she'll go for it! But, it is hard to parent a child like that. I have 2...thought I'd luck out with the 2nd since my first was so hard. No luck. Welcome to Mama Kat's! It's my first time, too!

Grandma said...

I smiled the entire time I was reading this, I always knew you would one day understand how your "opinion" and "stubborness" would feel. Strong headed? Not you :) Don't worry you will only get a few gray hairs early and you will continue to love her as she continues to be STUBBORN! She is such a doll the smiles will win out!
Love you,

Nirvana Mamma said...

Oh, yes, 1 year old's can be strong willed. So can newborns. I really think, now that I'm a mom, kids are born with personalities. So, now, when I'm in Target and I see some child having a meltdown, I no longer blame it on bad parenting. I send a little, "Hang in there," thought to the parent who was fortunate to have had this little child. Because it is fortunate. Once she's old enough to decide what she's wants in life, she'll go for it! But, it is hard to parent a child like that. I have 2...thought I'd luck out with the 2nd since my first was so hard. No luck. Welcome to Mama Kat's! It's my first time, too!

Missie said...

She will be fine at 15 and 21; you may not agree with her, but she will be her own girl. I am one of those women also and it can work to our advantage.

kinleybellmama said...

Oh the sass! I know I was sassy for sure, so I'm sure she will fall right in line and get that from me too! :) I definitely think a lot of it now though is that she can't verbalize her frustration...hopefully words will change that. And hopefully the sass will be minimal!